Clone Software Protection Dongle

2020. 3. 16. 12:19카테고리 없음

  1. How To Crack Dongle, Hardware Lock Usb Or Emulate

Duplicate ( Hardware copy ) of Hasp or Hasp4 or HaspHLor other dongle WelcomeTo MM Group's web pageNeed HASP or HASP HLor other DONGLE DUPLICATE?(hardware copy)IF YOU do not know what kind of USB dongleyou have or something unclearif you know what you wantREAD LPT (PRINTER PORT) TYPE HASPread USB TYPE HASP.(c) 2016 MM Group.HASP - DuplicatorsPage was modified onDongleis a device to plug in to the LPT (or other) port. It is used to storesome information and to communicate with protected software.

How To Crack Dongle, Hardware Lock Usb Or Emulate

Ifsoftware can't find required dongle, it will not run properly. It'smain purpose copy protection. HASP (R) is a trademark name of donglesmanufactured by.A:HASP wiring scheme is common for all HASP dongles. The unique is onlyfunctional and memory content inside the HASP chips. In case of Memo-x,NetHASP, TimeHASP, HASP36,HASP4 the PC talks to dongle via D0-D7 wires(pin 2.9 on D25 parallel port connector, in the case of LPT). Thedongle answers to PC via 'PaperEnd' (pin 12 ) wire.

Clone Software Protection Dongle

All other wires areused just to supply a power or switch it on/off.Toanalyze HASP protocol yourself you will need logic state analyzer withat least 9 (better 12) channels. The sampling rate must be minimum 2times higher than your parallel port speed. Also it must have multipletriggering capability and enough memory.Exampleof HASP logic state analysisand we will do it for you.Thereare 3 ways to avoid you dongle:1.Modify protected software - usually complicated and can causelost of some functionality of software. It is alsoillegal in many states.2.Use HASP driver emulator is good way, but it does not always workperfectly, especially sensitive for upgrades and OS changes. Sometimesexpensive.3.Make hardware duplicate of your original HASP. This is also good wayand there is no need to modify/create any software.

If you do not wantto touch HASP protected soft due legal issues or worry tocause its proper operation - read below.You will only need to read data of you HASP. But you don't have tosend a HASP to Us! (thisis usual question). Simply we will send you small program which in fewseconds will read all data from your HASP and write it to separatefile. This file you should send back to us and from supplied data wewill develop your HASP dongle replacement. And we can do a lot of them!!!Thereare vast number of various dongles floating around, and 'Hasp' is justone kind of them.

How to make usb dongle for software protection

How to know which one is in your hands? It could beSafeNet Sentinel, Rockey, ILok, Gemplus,Hardlock, Marx, Wibu oranything else.

What is software protection

All they made by different vendors, has differentfunctions and appearance.The first thing you need to know whatexactly you have. Luckily Microsoft developed nice application'UVCView.exe' which can show all devices plugged in to USB ports ofcomputer and pull all basic identification information out of it. Belowis step-by step instruction how to get identification data out of yourdongle:1.Download archivedIs it safe?UVCView is not our product. It is Open source sample applicationdeveloped by Microsoft (R) and included with Windows(R) driverdevelopment kit.